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Writer's pictureHailey Thompson

Essential Supplies for New Reptile Owners: A Comprehensive Husbandry Guide

Updated: Sep 15, 2023

With so much advice out there for how to care for reptiles, it's easy to get lost in the long to-do lists, complicated suggestions, and confusing terminology. I've compiled a list of the most essential reptile products that's simplified so that you can understand exactly what they are and exactly why you need them.

Wet Hide

A wet hide, also called a humidity hide, is simply a hide that holds a higher humidity than the rest of the terrarium. Usually, it is created using a plastic to-go bowl and cutting a hole in the side of it, then taking a a wet paper towel and placing it inside the tub. Wetting it down each day should keep the humidity high.

This hide is necessary because although all reptiles require a certain ambient humidity, they need the ability to choose a higher humidity. Leopard geckos, for example, can struggle with stuck shed at their normal environmental humidity. If they are provided with a humidity hide, they will solve the problem by spending more time in the humidity hide than the rest of their terrarium. The higher humidity will allow their skin to shed more easily.

UVB Light

A UVB light is a bulb that mimics natural sunlight. When you hear the term "UVB index" in the summer, that's referring to the intensity of the ultraviolet waves from the sun, which is what helps us absorb vitamins and minerals into our skin. Reptiles do the same thing, so ALL reptiles require a UVB light—and yes, that includes nocturnal reptiles! Even nocturnal reptiles venture into the sunlight from time to time to benefit from its ultraviolet waves.

When deciding on a UVB light, research which UVB wattages are meant for your specific animal. Nocturnal desert animals need a different wattage than diurnal tropical animals, for example. You ALWAYS need to provide a UVB light from day 1 of caring for your reptile!

Multiple Hides

Hides are places where your reptile can hide themself from view. Usually, one dry rock hide is not enough. Keepers usually include a dry rock hide, a wet hide, and a decoration or multiple decorations that the reptile can hide in.

Multiple hides is necessary in order for your reptile to feel safe and secure. One dry rock hide may be nice when they need to warm up, but when they get too hot, they will have nowhere to go other than out in the open if you do not have any other hides. They will easily stress to the point of illness if they have to venture into the open so often to cool down. Including a wet hide and some decorations in between the hides, such as fake flowers, is a good way to keep your reptile feeling safe and comfortable all around their enclosure.

Animal-Specific Enrichment

Enrichment is any item included in a habitat that encourages an animal's natural behaviors. For example, a good enrichment for a leopard gecko is a climbing rock. In their natural environment, they climb all over the rocky desert terrain in search of insects.

Enrichment is necessary in order to keep your animal healthy and stimulated. Usually, enrichment builds muscles, refines senses, and keeps your animal entertained, all necessary activities for their health. A bored, understimulated animal typically does not live as long and can have problems with their health and eating habits.

Vitamin & Calcium Dust

Vitamin & calcium dust usually comes in the form of a shaker bottle from the pet store. There's several different brands, but almost all of them are relatively similar in vitamin and mineral content. They are always relatively inexpensive.

The reason this vitamin & calcium dust is necessary is because your reptile is in captivity and does not have the same varied diet they would receive out in the wild. By feeding a select group of insects, we reduce the diversity of the vitamin & minerals the animals get. Vitamin & calcium dust will ensure your reptile gets everything it needs to develop properly and stay healthy. Be sure your brand includes Vitamin D3, which is necessary for calcium absorption.

Heat Mat

A heat mat for reptiles is almost exactly the same design as a heat pad for humans, but its use is entirely different. Under-tank heat mats are used to provide a constant source of heat for a reptile at all times of day in a specific spot in their tank, typically under their dry rock hide.

Heat mats are necessary because reptiles ALWAYS need a source of heat. Since they cannot regulate their own body temperature, you need to provide an environment that can both warm them up and cool them down at their convenience. A heat mat does just that, 24/7, 365 days a year. Always ensure your heat mat is working, and if it is not, get it replaced ASAP!

Basking Light

A basking light provides a source of intense heat during the day for your reptile. It is best positioned over top of the dry rock hide, which will warm up throughout the day and provide a nice hot spot for your reptile to bask.

Basking lights are necessary in order for your reptile to regulate their body temperature. Although the ambient temperature in your tank is suitable for your reptile to live, the basking light allows them to warm up any time they happen to get cold. Many reptiles, such as iguanas, bask on warm rocks in the hot sun during midday, so a basking light only promotes their natural behaviors.

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